¿Qué es un furúnculo? Es la infección de un folículo piloso.

sexta-feira, março 17, 2006

Who are you?

Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned, but the second mouse wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventualy he turned that cream into butter and crawled out...

Which one of the mice are you, the first or the second...?



Anonymous Anónimo said...

I'm the mouse that also have seen "Catch me if u can"!!

3:31 da manhã, março 19, 2006

Anonymous Anónimo said...

não é "also have seen" mas sim "also has seen". So you must be the mouse who doesn't know hou to speak english. P.S- vou-te dar uma taça.

8:33 da tarde, março 23, 2006

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Também não é "hou" mas sim "how"...

Ora bem...se ginae fica com a taça tu podes ficar com a medalha de consolação ou uma merda assim. E eu? Eu não fico na merda e saio como ser superior que sabe escrever inglês melhor que vocês. E não entro em birrinhas de putos!

Ná ná ná...toma lá! A minha pilinha é maior que a tua!


1:36 da tarde, março 27, 2006

Anonymous Anónimo said...

shiiiiit man...now you've got me thinking for sure...I mean, which one AM I really?! I just can't figure out...It's like...am I a Fighter? or am I a quitter? I sure don't wanna' be a quitter man, but it's hard to be a fighter for sure! This is some deep stuff to speculate on man...you know? Only time will tell my friend...only time will tell...only after encountering my life endeavours can I come up with my "true self"...yeah...it's nice to think about it...
(this would be my answer if I were to be a fucking lame ass shit fuck that doesn't know any better...but since the question is a load of shit , I just let my answer be an even bigger load of shit...so there how d'ya like that b-ach?!) (lol)

Fds JPO, andas mt cliche meu...

nao e nada dessas merdas mas sim "I'm the BA mouse that also saw 'Catch me if u can'"

(BA=Bad Ass)

4:15 da tarde, abril 11, 2006


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