¿Qué es un furúnculo? Es la infección de un folículo piloso.

domingo, maio 08, 2005

This is an American Post

O seguinte post nao sera escrito na lingua portuguesa, mas sim em Ingles Americano, desculpas pela inconveniencia.

My fellow long-distance companions, I believe it to be of most interest for you that I call upon your atention for the warning I am about to express:
I have claimed myself to be the center of the universe. I shall show you why. Follow me in the logic I am about to present to you. It is known by now that the universe is in an excelerated process of expansion. Thus, because the universe is always exapanding, it is allways growing away from me no matter where I may be in the universe. At the same time, is known that the universe is expanding at the same rate, hence the distance between me and one point at one end of the universe is growing at the same rate that the distance between me and the point at the oposite end of the universe, and so on with all radiuses of the universe (assuming I am the center and the universe a spherical compund in growth). Thus I must conlcude that the ends of the universe are all at equal distance from me, and hence who but I is the center of the universe?
My dear frinds, the answer is clearly no one. No other being is the center of the universe but me, as for it is expanding away from me. As clear as an unmuded lake, as clear as the bluest skys in the deepest times of spring my friends, I am the center of the Universe.

Thank you for your atention.

Benjamin Moore,
the Center of the Universe


Anonymous Anónimo said...

boy, what is your malfunction?? First it was Cassius Clay (a.k.a Mohamed Ali), then Frankie Sinatra (who called himself "the voice"), then Diego "junkie" Maradona(who said "yo soy el mejor jugador de futbol del mundo"), then José Mourinho (who said "i'm special")and now Benjamin Moore who claims "i am the center of the universe"!!! what next? forgive me for being just a mere mortal who walks the earth minding his own buisness!
Good theory though...

4:19 da tarde, maio 09, 2005

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Serei eu um guarda serôdio do cosmos ou uma sinzela centrifugadora galáctica, comparado a ti, certamente nada sou! PA

12:07 da manhã, maio 12, 2005


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